Church Office Hours are Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Phone: (620) 421-4790
New Online Giving Platform with Shelby Next
Click the image or this link to open Face Book
New Online Giving Platform with Shelby Next
Click the image or this link to open Face Book
Donna's Pet Food Pantry
At First Christian and First Presbyterian Churches
Free Dog and Cat food available with application.
Low Cost spay and Neutering
Distribution day First Sunday of the month.
Noon to 3:00 pm 1500 South 29th Parsons, KS
For application email donnaspetpantry @ or call 620-421-4790
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a community of about 850,000 Christians in 3,800 congregations in the United States and Canada.
Two groups of frontier Christians came together in 1832 to form the foundation of today's Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
They shared the view that people should not be excluded from fellowship in the church because they didn't adhere to a particular human-made creed.
They used to say there is "no creed but Christ." Today's Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) still thinks that way.
We study the Bible to deepen our connection to God through Jesus Christ, and to discover what God wants us to do.