Q:  Are children welcomed at First Christian Church?

 A:  Most definitely!  Children are an important part of our morning worship service.  Our Sunday worship time includes a "children's moment" when young children are invited to join the pastor or layperson at the front of the sanctuary for a brief Bible lesson.  Following the children's moment, the children move to a table in the narthex, just ourside the main sanctuary door, for more age-appropriate lessons and activities. From their position in the narthex, the children are still free to observe and hear what is taking place in the main service.


Q:  Do you have a nursery?

 A:  Yes, the nursery is available to infants and toddlers.  If you are worshiping with us for the first time, feel free to ask anyone to direct you to the nursery.


Q:  What should I wear to services at First Christian?

 A:  Anything that you feel is appropriate and you are comfortable in!  We gather to worship together, not for a fashion show.  On any given Sunday we may have worshippers in any varity of attire; jeans and tee shirt, slacks and sport shirt, overalls, coat and tie...anything.  Even the pastor is somewhat "informal", often wearing an open-collar shirt with sport coat, or even without coat and tie.  Come as you are...come to worship.


Q:  I am not a member of First Christian Church.  May I participate in the sacrement of Holy Communion?

 A:  YES!  One of the most basic tenants of the Christian Church-Disciples of Christ is that Holy Communion is open to all who confess and believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, as their personal Lord and Savior.  The Communion table is not OUR table, rather it is the Lord's table, open to all.


Q:  How is Communion served?

 A:  On most Sundays, worshippers are served in the pew.  A Deacon will first pass a tray contain the bread. Take an individual portion, consume it, and pass the tray to the person next to you.  Following the bread tray, the Deacon will pass a try with individual juice cups.  Take and drink, and return the cup to the tray, and pass to the next person.

On special occasions, we may take communion by going forward and receiving the elements.  One Elder/Deacon will be holding the basket of bread while another will be holding a chalice (cup) with the juice. Take a portion of bread, dip it in the cup, and eat, and return to your seat.